Monday, December 29, 2008

Part-time Job

Well I find myself with a part-time job. Bartender. Friday and Saturday night I open the bar in the cafe for thirsty folks, who just need a refreshing beverage. I don't judge, if you want a glass of wine, I'll have on with you, if you want a cold tap beer, I'll pour it for you, if you want a nice caffeinated beverage I also have those. I by law have to serve something to eat with the beverages so I have lately been popping pop corn, or having pretzels. The busier I hope we get the more satisfying the snacks will get.

The first night we did it, our good friends Ed and Deb stopped by we had a couple Drop Tops and they went home, they are working 18 days straight up at the hill. So I closed the blinds at 7:00 and went home and made dinner. This Friday night, some other friends Jen and Dan stopped by, his parents were in town and so they were able to sneak away from the kids and a have a few with us. Dan B. (only store employee) stayed after his shift and enjoyed the snowy night with us. 5 hours later we were still there, laughing and just carrying on. I think some of us made have had too many, because they only made it 2 miles down the road pulled over and slept in his pick-up with the window rolled down. COLD!!

It breaks up the every day same ole'. It's fun, we enjoy having the locals stop by and keep us company, we make a little extra money, but really we make relationships with the ones who keep us going when all the tourists leave.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008


I thought this would pass some time and you might learn something new about me.

I am: 25 years old
I want: it to snow
I have: a lot to say
I dislike: people who are mean to dogs
I miss: my family
I fear: failure
I feel: hungry
I hear: the coolers
I crave: stuffing
I usually: see a coyote, everyday
I search: ski areas I want to visit
I wonder: who will come in next
I regret: some of the music I've bought off of Itunes
I love: Brian
I care: if someone cries
I always: laugh in weird situations
I worry: if I'm going to get everything done
I remember: when Brian got hit by a car (worst day of my life)
I believe: in our plans
I sing: Christmas songs
I don't always: like my hair
I argue: to make up
I write: silly notes for Brian
I win: in chess
I lose: in chess
I wish: everyone a Merry Christmas
I listen: to Brian yell at the TV when he's watching college football
I don't understand: people who own hummers
I can usually be found: At the Village At North Fork
I forget: to feed my dogs (sometimes)
I am happy: right now!

Monday, December 22, 2008

It's been a while

It's been awhile since I....
2.Had a customer
3.Called an old friend
4.Talked to my parents
5.Ate sushi
6.Cleaned my bathroom
7.Drove a car
9.Went to the dentist
10.Had my haircut
So some of these things I have control over, some I do not. I will explain.
1. We were swamped this fall with hunters and fisherman, which was a good thing because we were able to make our payment which means we have a few more months here. Well because of the busy season I neglected the blog and haven't posted in a while. I promise I will try harder.
2. Since the busy season is over Brian and I had a month off, we had a good time, relaxing at the ranch, jeeping in Moab, and remodeling small parts of our apartment (we will bush this subject later). But we are back now and I'm working in the store, and Brian is handling the maintenance issues around the place. But because we are so slow, I have a customer about every half hour, which makes for a very long day. But we do enjoy the down time we are able to get projects done and relax.
3. Since I live in a podunk town in Idaho I don't call friends that often, I will try to do more than this but it's hard when I don't know what to talk to them about. I miss lots of people but I find myself enjoying my new life, to really look back. Is that bad? I love not seeing to many people. I can't say I miss my old city life, but I know that I miss the people I left behind and sometimes I feel like it's easier to not talk to them because the more I talk to them the more I miss them. But I will try to stay in contact with those people this year.
4. Talking to my parents is something I used to do every Sunday, for at least an hour. I miss talking to them, but I feel like it's easier to talk to them when I have haven't for so long. I'm so lucky to have parents who stand behind me while I get myslef into crazy situations (such as running a town). They have never yet looked at me like I was too crazy or told me how silly it may be. For that I love them more than they will ever know.
5. This is my biggest let down of the year. I have not at a piece of sushi since I moved to Idaho, I think of sushi more than anything else. I was having sushi about twice of week, people say you can't miss what you don't have, that is not the case at all.
6. Now this one is not because I'm gross and don't mind a dirty bathroom. Brian and I decided it would be in our best interest to remodel our bathroom. Why? I don't know I guess we thought it would be nice, and it will. But understand its hard to keep my husband motivated to tile a shower when its snowing outside and he has a season pass to the area. I'm pretty slack with him because I can go over to the in-laws and shower, but once they are back from vacation it will a little more uncomfortable. I try to clean it, but its impossible so I simply close the door when he's not working on it.
7. Now people probably think I'm lying but I'm not, since I live above where I work and we only have one vehicle the last time I drove was over a month ago in Salt Lake, before that it had been about 3 months. I don't miss it, I won't lie.
8. The area finally opened, and I was rusty, since Santa brought me new skis and boots, I'm having to break in the boots, not fun. They felt better by the end of the day but I think I have at least a few my trips before they are perfect. I'm excited though skiing is so peaceful and surreal, especially at Losttrail your the only one on the run half the time and it feels like the mountain is all yours. I'm sure I will have stories of my skiing adventures, I'll keep you posted.
9. Now I think the last time I went to the dentist I was a junior in high school. I know, I know... Maybe this year, maybe.
10. I'm trying to grow my hair, it's to the point where its doing it's own thing, so I try to tame it but mostly just pull it back out of my eyes. I miss long hair, of course I always say that until I have it and it takes 30 minutes to blow dry. We'll see how long I last.
So this is what has been happening or not happening in my life. I hope people still check in on us. I'm sure I will be posting a lot more often now that business is slow.
Talk to you soon.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Days Off

Two days off used to be a time for me to clean house and relax. Well thats when we lived in the city and everything was reasonably close. Now I'm going back to my childhood where nothing is close, and we have to drive three hours to get to a mall or a Target.

So Monday Cody, Brian and I loaded into the truck and headed to Missoula, we had an appointment for the Tundra to get serviced and we figured it would be a good time to do some shopping... you know the usual things, shampoo, conditioner, body soap, it's sad we have to go three hours to even get to a Target, at least when I was growing up the Wal-Mart was only 45 minutes away. Anywoo, we have a couple of other stops, the Leer dealer, to check prices on a topper. We ordered one, its kind of crappy because even though we put a lump sum down on the topper we have nothing to show for it, for three weeks. I hope it looks good, it wasn't cheap.

So three hours, in the comfortable Tundra, much better than the Tacoma and the little space we had in it. We are talking about what we should do for our month off, Brian and I choose to take for Nov 15-Dec 14 off. I still want to take him to South Padre, but its over 4,000 miles round trip, I think its worth it but Brian is still unsure. I will keep you updated. Please send any ideas you may have.

Well this post was completely random and I'm sorry if I have bored you, but sometimes, its easy for me just to ramble and get things off my chest. Until next time.

"You can't ride home on a bowl of goat, I've always said that"

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

I've been told...

I've been told I need to do more posts, I'm not letting people into my life enough. So I thought I would try.

What's been happening in old North Fork? Well we have been little busy bees. With rafting season in full swing, we do any average of 20 milkshakes a day, going as high as 50 a day. At 4.75 a pop you can do the math, but let me tell you it's not easy money, bruises and cramps, come soon after three buses come in at once. We are starting to get more of the local crowd coming back from Salmon, I can't decide if this is a good thing or not, these people are bitter about something, I can't figure out why.

We have our first fire of the season, it's not too far from here and not very large, about 25 acres. I got a call last night that the Forest Service needed 35 sack lunches. Now that may sound like a minimal challenge but these guys are on a strict diet, they have to have 3 1/2 oz of meat and cheese on each sandwich, (they each get two sandwiches each), they also have to have, a piece of fruit, with the stem and sticker removed, a candy bar with no chocolate, a granola bar or cookie, a fruit juice, and a protein of some sort we gave them beanie weenies, after all that work, we had to feed 20 firefighters at 6:30, let me remind you we don't open until 7:00.

I can say I'm glad we are a seasonal business, I'm sick of stinky people, and milkshakes, now let me tell you something rafters stink. I don't get it I have been on week long camping trips, didn't shower and I know for a fact I didn't smell like the people coming off the middle fork. Deodorant people, deodorant!!!

I can't wait for winter, skiing and less people, we make less money but holy hell I'm ready!!!

Brian and I are thinking we will head south for our month off, I really want to take Brian to South Padre Island... We can't decide was month to take, Nov to Dec or Jan to Feb. I will keep you updated.

Well I guess I let you in to my head, even though its not that exciting you were able to know what I'm thinking and what I'm doing.

"But I'm only one man"

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

3 Years and counting

Yesterday was our 3 year anniversry. All the blogs I look at have pictures of the wedding day. I loved my wedding day don't get me wrong, but I'm not a person who lives in the past, I want to share pics of what we have been up to since that amazing day. I also want to say how much I love my husband and countinue to love him more and more everyday!!!

Rafting the Salmon! Thats Ed Link best guide in this area!!

X mas in Florida

Just a cute picture

Mountain Bike ride 206 miles, Baby!!

Family Picture

And of course the amazing day!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Random Pictures

I finally got around to copying my pictures to my computer... Here they are, enjoy.

The owl story... A few months ago an owl was found in one of our trees in the RV park... To our surprise this owl had two baby owls (we shall call them hoots). One day, one of the hoots had fallen 20 feet out of his nest, we then informed Fish and Game, they attempted to replace the hoot, with no success, so they took the hoot to a rehab center. Well they just returned the hoot, much larger and very used to humans. Here we are hand feeding the hoot.

Look at those eyes.

This is a random picture of Rocco.

Rally with an amazing background

My father on a short hike

The Stoddard pack bridge

The Granite Mountain Lookout.

And thats it... We have been exploring all the areas we can now get to since the snow has finally melted. It's amazing how different this area is. I will soon have pictures of us rafting the Salmon river.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Life in North Fork

Life in general is pretty difficult, but if you add in a small town, 13 employees, a motel, cafe, store, RV park, it can sometimes be extremely difficult. We have just been handling new items as they come. We are installing new gas pumps for the store this week. I didn't think I would change the revenue that much, but holy hell, I can't believe the change. We are making it extremely difficult for customers to come eat or shop in the store. The project is alsmost done...

I have also taken the hat of catering, I cater for river guides, people who are rafting the "Middle Fork", the Middle Fork is in the book 1,000 places to see before you die. So if any of you are considering taking a vacation look it up. We have our first catering job for Friday the 13th, go figure the day all shit goes wrong... We shall see if it all goes wrong.

Anywoo, onward with this blog. So here I am in small town America, the average age of my employees are 35... 35 can you believe that? I'm 24 and I have employees who are double my age. I sometimes wonder if the older employees ever wonder why in the hell they should listen to me? What the hell does a 24 year old know about anything? Well I have only had issues with a few employees and well they no longer work here... What does that tell you?

Oh PS I swear a lot more since I moved here. I also drink more and go on a lot more walks, I think it balances itself out...

Last night on our walk we came across Bambi, well actually Cody almost step on its head and Rally thought it was a after dinner snack, but Bambi is still safe and sound, the mother returned and Bambi has a twin... How sweet.

I have yet to see a bear this Spring or a Wolf period... Still searching though, I'm determined to "get a glimpse of those warlocks"...

I think we have become a part of the town here, people are accepting the fact that we are here and things are changing, like the gas pumps, after thinking about it though, I sometimes wonder if maybe we should have invested in like electrical plug ins... just a thought.

Anywoo enough rambling... Life is fine, dogs are fine, husband is fine (he entered his first down hill race last Saturday, took 4th. Not too bad for his first time, but now he thinks he needs a $1200 shock)... Its never ending with him.

-No matter where you go, there you are.

Friday, May 30, 2008

Still Kickin

Yes, I'm still alive. I have pretty much fell off Blogging earth. But it buzzed me up so here we go.

We have made some major changes to little North Fork. And I'm sorry I haven't been posting any updates for all of you. On my days off I've been to busy enjoying my new home rather than sitting in front of a computer to update my blog. I have found time today however (while working) to give you some updates.

We had a successfull Memorial Weekend. Business is starting to pick up, which is a relief. We need the help. Well thats enough of work talk... Lets talk about my days off. They are much more interesting.

My lovely parents came to visit, and we took them all over. We drove down to the Middle Fork, and up to Cobalt (an old mine). Since my father has ADD they only stayed two nights and were on their way again. Brian, Cody, Erica and I have been taking drives around the area, trying to find new fun places to go camping. We headed up to an deserted town named Leesburg. Leesburg was a happening town back in the gold rush. There were reportedly over 7,000 people and now none. It's amazing how a town like that can just become nothing when all the gold runs out.

We have also become some what of a little hiking couple. Since we have been trying to find places to mountain bike and I'm not as skilled as Brian we take hikes, in which I then decide if I will be able to complete these trails on a bike. I have only found one.

We took Cody and Erica on the one trail I knew we could all handle. No wild life was seen but we did see a bear... which later turned out to be a cow... We got caught in a down pour and I ran through the biggest pile of cow S#!% of my life... I just told myself it was no worse then a mud mask.
Other than that we have just been living the small town life and enjoying every minute of it. We have met some new people who enjoy the same things we do... Basically we have all decided "Living in Idaho is like camping every night", campfires and horse shoes you can't get more simple than that. I don't miss the city, I don't miss the traffice, I do however miss the Sushi. So if any of you eat sushi, buy and enjoy a roll for me. I know this was a lame blog, but I wanted all of you to know I'm alive and loving it!!!

I have posted some random pics I've taken over the last couple of weeks. Enjoy!!

Brian getting ready for a hike, Rally and Rocco are already to go...

Luke I am your father...

Taking a break...

Brian stopping to smile for the camera

Some single track we found.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Goodbye Tacoma

Well Brian and I seem to get on new adventures very quickly. A few wekks ago I had a fit driving to the Ranch, I told Brian the Tacoma was just too small, and I couldn't take it anymore. The dogs sitting on my lap trying to look at the window, since we don't have a back seat. Now uderstand this is the pickup Brian thought he would have forever, and ever... I just couldn't, our family was too big, and what if it grew more (meaning another dog) not a baby... I just couldn't imange taking a month off and traveling in the itty bitty Tacoma. So hearing my arguement he decides we should purchase a new Tundra. Now I don't mind the look of the new Tundras but the price ticket on them weren't cheap so I had my doubts. After selling my car, getting a tax refund and the rebate, and learning what the Tacoma was, we were off. We found the Tundra in Butte Montana, and made an offer. We were driving away 2 and 1/2 hours later... We can't believe the room!!!, the speed, and the gas mileage, we were expecting about 13 mpg, but after driving home and me running into town, Brian figured we got about 19 mpg. I'm pleased with that number, considering we only use the truck for business and on our days off we drive about 50 miles every two weeks. I posted some pictures of the Tacoma, we have good memories, and of the new Tundra I'm sure memories will be made as well.

Getting ready for a hike

The dogs all loaded ready to go for a ride.

The dogs loaded up in the Tundra for a ride.

Brian posing by the Tundra.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Home Sweet Home

I just wanted to post and update of Rocco. He was able to come home Monday. Dr. Andy informed me that he scared her Friday night and she did not think he was going to make it... Ok that was a piece of info I think I would have been better off not knowing... He is on a special diet of little to no fat... He's eating chicken and rice, and scrambled eggs, he has a better diet then we do. I have yet to get the bill... I know the range of the charge but not sure of the total... All I can say if Rocco would have had this happened in SLC he would have had to be put down... There is no way we could have afforded that bill... Life is good, it could be warmer but that time will come.

I also wanted to wish my sister a happy late birthday... I hope you like the nail polish Hannah bought you and the Kitchen Aid Mixer Bailee and Albe bought you. Happy Birthday!! I miss you all!

Friday, April 18, 2008

"Poor Little Guy"

I haven't posted anything for a while, there really hasn't been any news. Like they say no news is good news. Well unfortunately this post rings true to that saying. I have bad news. My little Rocco isn't doing well. We noticed on Sunday a bruise on his tummy after his bath, I asked Brian if he knew what it was from. Brian said that earlier that night Rocco was out in the field with him and Brian heard him yelp like he stepped on something, Brian said he limped around for a minute and then acted fine. Deciding that I would just watch it and make sure it didn't get any larger I went about my business. We went down to the Ranch for our two days off and he acted completely normal, ran, played, however he didn't eat... Rocco goes through phases where he just doesn't have an appetite so at the time I didn't think anything of it. We came home Tuesday afternoon and he just wasn't himself, he acted depressed, I thought he was just tired from all the running he did. Still not eating I went to bed with Rocco extremely close to me making sure he didn't worsen. Wednesday same thing Rocco just didn't have that twinkle in his eye, by this time Brian and I had noticed that not only was he not eating but he hadn't pooped either. I asked around and some people suggested he could be constipated... So Brian and I took him for long walks and I made him eat olive oil... with no change Thursday rolled around and I had, had enough, I made him a vet appointment for Friday but couldn't wait that long. I called and took him Thursday afternoon. We drove the 22 miles in silent, he laying in the back, me checking on him to make sure he is still breathing. We get to the vet Dr. Andy, if you in the Salmon area, I highly recommend her. I explain his symptoms to her while she takes Rocco's temperature and gets a fearful look in her eye, the "poor little guy" has a temperature of 107, now if any of you know anything about dogs their normal temperature is 101. Andy explains to me that a dog having a high fever like this is not normal, "on a hot summer afternoon a dog will normally only get to about 102. She does nothing else to him after hearing his condition and tells me she wants him to stay over. I think to myself "no" Rocco doesn't like anyone else he only likes his happy little family. I think she sees the fear in my eyes as I explain to her what kind of dog Rocco is. "He's not the most social dog, he doesn't play well with others" she gives me her word and explains that he needs an IV and blood work done, she isn't quite sure what he's going through and really wants to observe and have him stay with her. I agree and leave, with tears in my eyes I get into my car and drive slowly away. As I drive the long 22 miles home I think of all the memories I have of my little Rocco. I reach home and Brian comes out and asks where Rocco is? I burst into tears and tell him that he had to stay there... He automatically (from my reaction) thinks that he is going to die. I tell him what Dr. Andy told me and explain that we will just check in with him tomorrow. Brian is a man of few words and goes back to his job. I finish the day and go to bed early and wake up early I can't wait to go get him... We go into town this morning and go to check on him, unfortunately he is not all better me kissing him didn't make him well. His temperature has gone down to about 103, he is eating some and has yet to poop, they want to hold him until his temperature has dropped and he has one normal poop. She believes he has a liver infection and his white blood count is low. She reassures me that I can call any time and that she will call if there is any change. I have already called once since we have been home and there is no change. He continues to eat small amounts but isn't feeling well. I will again have to sleep without my little Rocco tonight. I can call again in the morning to see if he can come home. I hope he can come home!! I know most of you are rolling your eyes at me, but I won't lie my dogs are my children I love them more than myself... I will keep you updated on his condition. I have posted some pics of my pups...

Lazy Dogs

Rocco's first day home

Camping in Kamas

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Saloon Name

As we approach some of the changes we want to make to North Fork we have come to a bridge in which I thought the people I care the most about could help us out. We are looking for a saloon name. We have a couple picked out but I wanted you to help. Anyone who comes up with the future name of the saloon I will send something special... Please make your suggestions and I will take them to the drawing board. Thanks for the help in advance!!! Please keep in mind its a small community, we are in the northwest and we sit right next to the Salmon River. Let the creativity begin!

Monday, March 24, 2008

Jeff Fisher

Who? The Tennessee Titans head Coach

When? About 10 minutes ago

Where? The Village at North Fork!!!

Why? Steel head Fishing

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

What we have been up to besides work

Well I know I haven't posted anything real exciting the last few posts. We have been busy and I couldn't find my camera cord for my computer. Well the other day Brian found it, guess where? Underneath my hair brush, yup the thing I use the most and I couldn't find it...

Anywoo, here are some photos of what we have been up to besides work.

Brian at the top of lost trail, look at that mountain range

Lunch Time!

The view from the top of lost trail.

Brian and I were able to get away a couple of Sunday's ago and go down river, it was an eventful day, dead water blew, Rally is our deer herder and Rocco, well Rocco falls asleep regardless if we go 6 miles or 6 hours. I know I speak like they are my children but they really are... I took some pics of the infamous Ranch, a hike we took and some pics of our daily walk around North Fork.

Brian and Rocco at the fork of Beaver Creek and Panther Creek, Rally was too busy playing in the water.

Rally on the North Fork

This was a couple weeks ago on the Salmon River most of the ice has melted now. It's fishin' time!

Rocco took a minute from running to smile for the camera.

The dogs on our hike, we hiked about 3 miles, they ran about 10.

Rocco, decided to go for a swim this is him drying himself off.

The Ranch, I can't wait to go there on my days off and not have to drive 7 & 1/2 hours to get there!

I hate this picture of me but I love it of Rally, do you think she smells something?

I have decided a couple of things living here, you know you live and work outside, when you have one full load of Carhartt laundry. You know you are remote, when the delivery trucks don't want to come all this way to deliver to you. You know you live in "the Country" when there is more talk about wolves and coyotes then the new movies out. When your husband wakes up and decides to put on his "shitty pants" because he has to go work on the the shitter, you are your own boss.



Tuesday, March 4, 2008


As I work in the store this afternoon I figured I would post a FAQ's, I either get in person or by by phone.
1. What's the River like? (This question is usually regarding the Salmon river and if it's muddy, icy, etc)
2. Has Dead Water Blown yet? (This question is referring to the part of the Salmon river called Dead Water which was formed from a mud slide that backed up an area to almost standing still water, once dead water has blown it's balls to the wall with fisherman)
3. You open today? (We are usually closed on Tuesdays and have now opened the store for two Tuesday's in a row, the Cafe will be open starting next Tuesday)
4. Are you one of the owners? (Sometimes this is a good thing, most times it's a good thing :) )
5. Do you have Diesel? Yes?
6. How much is a full hook up RV spot per month? $360.00 that includes tax.
7. Is this Tam or Pam? Can I tell you how many people confuse the two names and how often I'm explaining why they are talking to the wrong person, and who they should be talking to.
8. Are your pies homemade? Yes, all of our pies are made on site, however the Dutch Apple is the only pie which isn't made from frozen fruit, we peel and slice the apples ourselves.
9. What is your motel rate? Our motel rate is $51.84 a night that includes tax, and is for only one bed.
10. Where do you live? I live in the apartment above the cafe.
Since I've been here for 2 months these are the most frequently asked questions.

Monday, February 25, 2008


I thought I would start a poll and ask my friends and family for their input of where Brian and I should go on our month long vacation. I'm not anxious but if I plan this far in advance we can save some money on some opitions, it's only 10 months away ;). Please give you honest opinion, and just remeber if you like us to come see you, we understand and we will make stops on the way. :)

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

A day in the life...

So yesterday morning I wake with a call from work (downstairs) about 7:00 AM, the sink isn't disposing... Brian gets dressed and runs down to the kitchen I hop in the shower and get dressed, I have a busy morning... I have a sysco order and an interview at 10:00 for a cook. Let me add I have been up every hour checking Rocco to make sure he isn't licking his man hood, (or what used to be his man hood), he was fixed on Tuesday. So I have probably had a good 4 hours of sleep. I get out of the shower and go downstairs, not without getting dressed first of course. And learn that both of my cooks showed up for the morning shift and the one who drove from town isn't happy. The night cook informs us she isn't feeling well and is going back to the doctor to get more meds for her chest cold. She then calls and informs me she won't be able to come back and probably won't be able to come tomorrow. I try to get my new cook in here to cook for her but he also isn't feeling well, so guess who gets to cook? Yup your right, me... I'm the cook and waitress. Well in between this I have an interview with a guy who is looking for a cook position, he's from everywhere... He has actually cooked in Alamosa, Co., I know thats what I thought (small world), it was in 1985-1988 I didn't tell him I was only 2 then. He seems like he's a fit and I send him on his way. I then handle the sysco order and go upstairs to take my manless puppy for a walk. He his anxious to get outside. We go for a walk and I come back to get ready for the night ahead. Of course it is slow but we get the normal local crowd. Oh did I mention there has be a wolf sighting about a 1and1/2 miles up the road from us. He was black and they took pictures... we will get that subject later its quiet the issue around here. So I now have to walk my dogs instead of let them roam. So here I am the cook and waitress, of course I have Brian to help out but he has his own projects. I have a couple of tables and handle them like a pro. Its about closing time and I'm handling both duties... the waitress and cooks responisbility and of course I get two tables luckily for me one table just wants pie and the other is 3 fish and chips. I get those out and get them on their way. Well I just finished cleaning and I'm done for the night. I was thinking of sleeping in tomorrow but I have a husband who is anxious to go riding in the morning... When do I sleep everyone is asking and I'm telling you I don't know, between worring about all the issues I need to handle and a dog who has lost his balls and doesn't know where they went, I'm a walking zombie. Oh by the way I passed my food handlers permit without even studying!!! It goes to show you all you need is common sense.

I'm not complaining... I actually love my life when I lay in my bed I wonder how I'm so lucky to be living this life. I have posted some pics or our recent trip to the hill to snowboard, enjoy!!!

Driving up the pass to lost trail

Sight from the road.

My computer is being a pain I will post more pictures soon.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Top 10 reasons to live above your work...

10. If you are needed you don't get a phone call they just pound on the ceiling with a broom
9. You know if your employees like you or not, (you can hear them through the floor)
8. If you really have to take a dougie you can run up stairs and take it on your own toliet, (because you know I hate to go in public restrooms)
7. If you have had a long day you can go upstairs to change into sweats
6. If you forgot something for dinner you live above a store you just have to run down and get it
5. If you forget to put deordant on in the morning it's not a tragedy
4. If people ask you were you live all you have to do is point up
3. You save tons of money and gas for your car
2. If you forgot to do something at work all you have to do is run down in your pj's and do it
And the number reason for living above your work
1. You don't have to worry about traffic, the commute is quite short... Only 17 steps away

Happy Valentines Day!!

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Today's Quote

I have noticed a couple of things since we moved here. One we don't get out much, I haven't driven in over a month!!! And two Brian has become much more spirtutal... For example while driving home from a morning of powder skiing we were driving along looking at the elk and my husband says something out of the blue, and I quote "We are living the dream, the bum life, not paying for shit, living where we live, doing what we do." Followed by an "I Love You", I laughed so hard that I couldn't breath, then I asked him WTF? And yes that is him being spritual... My thought after his little insight... I will start to worry when the only time he tells me he loves me is after a day of powder riding.

We are doing well and are preparing for the up coming Steelhead fishing season, if you are able to come up and see us we would be glad to have you. Talk to you all soon!

Thursday, January 17, 2008

7' Banks

Well Santa Clause brought me a snowboard for x mas... So after Brian and I moved up here and got settled in we decided to go try out the local mountain. It reminds me a lot of Wolf Creek the mountain I grew up skiing on. So we go Jan 1st, I strap in on the bunny hill (we don't even bother to buy a pass) and try to get my footing, let me paint you the picture... This mountain was excited because it had 1300 people on it and that was the largest number of 2007. There are more people on the bunny hill then the rest of the mountain, so not only am I trying to learn to snowboard but so are 500 other people. Brian did really well with me, he was very helpful and encouraging, but the entire time I'm doing this I'm thinking "I know how to ski why in the world am I on the bunny hill trying to learn to snowboard". Now I know skiing isn't as cool as snowboarding but I remember it being lots of fun. So I get tired of hiking up and down the bunny hill and Brian decides I should try the rope tow, so he goes to buy us passes. I get the hang of the rope tow still thinking why am I doing this if I know how to ski. So we leave after about 4 hours of snowboarding, and before we leave I tell Brian to take a run so he can tell me what the mountain is like. He comes back to the truck smiling like someone just gave him a million dollars, and tells me how much fun it is. So on the way back to North Fork we have a conversation about whether I should take the rest of the season and try to learn to snowboard or if I should just rent a pair of skis and see if I remember how to ski.

So we go up about a week later and I rent a set of skis, and we take the bunny hill all the way down, now let me remind you I haven't been skiing for almost 11 years. But I get ready to go trying to remember what I'm doing and Brian takes on down the hill. So I get going, and going, and going, still trying to remember if I remember what I'm suppose to do. I get to Brian and he is laughing his head off. He tells me that I look like a really big 12 year old trying to learn how to ski, and he's not so sure if this is a good idea. I tell him I will get the hang of things. So we go get on the chair lift and I don't scoot over enough so he can get on with me and we have to ride separate chairs up. Now on the way up I'm trying to remember the videos Dad had, about how to learn to ski, and all I can remember is the guy teaching how to get off the lift, when he tells you to put the tip of your skis up and wait, "no not yet, not yet, not yet" and I get off the lift just fine. The second run was better, the third run was even better. I could tell Brian was getting excited that I was able to, one keep up and two I didn't look like a beginner. So I'm feeling pretty comfortable, until we get to a cat walk type run which is so narrow that I basically have to snow plow the entire way, well at the start I didn't want to but I didn't want to go off the ledge, so get going to fast and I decide the easiest way to stop is to run into the snow bank. I do this the first time and Brian doesn't see it until the end when I'm trying to get up, I get composed, and try it again. I once again get going to fast and decide I should again stop by running into the bank, this time Brian sees it all and after I get up throws his hands up at me like WTF? I again compose myself and again end up in the bank, by this time Brian is concerned because one he doesn't know why I'm doing this and two because I look like an idiot. I finally get to him and he is more scared then mad and asks me what the hell is going on... I just laugh and tell him I was afraid of the ledge and didn't want to go off of it, so to stop I just ran into the bank. He thinks I'm crazy and asks me why I just didn't stop, I told him I didn't have enough room. Well all I can say is I didn't try the run again that day, but am still thinking about it. I will get it the next time we go and ski it like a pro, or end up in the bank again. :)

While I was typing this I had to laugh at myself, only god knows what my husband was thinking watching me ski into 7 foot tall banks three times. I have great pictures but can't find my USB cord to up load them to my computer. As soon as I find them I will post the pics.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

My life

Well we have been here for a week, and we are getting the hang of things. I'm currently looking for a cook so if you know anyone who is looking send them my way. :) The cooks who are cuurently here are really great cooks, but they do butt heads... My head cook has been here for 14 years and is about to retire, I'm hoping I can squeeze 2 more years outta her. I have found a couple of things while I've been here. One people love beer, and a warm place to stand. I'm going to have Brian put the couter back in, (the old owner had a bar/counter and took it out and put a deli stand in). Currently the deli stand is empty and looks like crap. I want a counter so people can come in enjoy a converstation and a cup of coffee or beer, and not take up the dining area. I've been told the old timers used to like to come in during the summers and look at all the pretty girls coming of the river. I personally don't care what they are looking at as long as they are buying something, and my cafe is full. We have also look into adding a deck and a salon onto the other side of the Cafe so we can have more room in the summer on the deck and have people playing pool and drinking in the salon. That is probably a couple years away but a dream inway. Most of our employees are small folk people, Brian still can't remember their names, so we came up with nicknames, some of them are pretty mean and some sound like Indian chiefs. It is an experience running a Cafe, and being the boss, having to worry about making enough money to pay wages and the bills.
We have a coffee group who come in every weekday and have coffee and breakfast. It's pretty neat to hear these old men talk about what they talk about. The other morning I pulled a double to give "Crazy Talk" a day off and opened the cafe and waited on the old timers. I over heard a converstation they had about Brittney Spears and how they ddin't care what she was doing, but yet here they are talking about her, and how smart KFed was for marrying her and divorcing her because now he is set for life. They also talk about the young people around these parts, it amazing what they know. They know who is expecting and isn't married and how much of a shame it is. They know who should be president and why everyone else shouldn't be, and let me tell you they really get going about politics and they don't agree. They give eachother hell about their wives and how most morning one of their wives will call and tell them to come home, and they tease the hell out of him how he has to go vaccum or do the dishes. The old owner didn't like it much them sitting there not ordering much. I think its great, these men have worked all their lives, what is it hurting me if they sit and talk about everyone. The really nice thing is they leave hella good tips. The other morning I opened our blinds to get the sunshine in and one of them told me that the old owner wouldn't ever let them open the blinds, "I recken he was trying to hide us". I just laughed and told them that there was nothing to hide, they looked shocked by that answer. I'm happy that the locals haven't decided to quit coming in because there are new owners.
I haven't taken any pictures lately I guess I've been a little busy but I promise to soon.