Wednesday, February 20, 2008

A day in the life...

So yesterday morning I wake with a call from work (downstairs) about 7:00 AM, the sink isn't disposing... Brian gets dressed and runs down to the kitchen I hop in the shower and get dressed, I have a busy morning... I have a sysco order and an interview at 10:00 for a cook. Let me add I have been up every hour checking Rocco to make sure he isn't licking his man hood, (or what used to be his man hood), he was fixed on Tuesday. So I have probably had a good 4 hours of sleep. I get out of the shower and go downstairs, not without getting dressed first of course. And learn that both of my cooks showed up for the morning shift and the one who drove from town isn't happy. The night cook informs us she isn't feeling well and is going back to the doctor to get more meds for her chest cold. She then calls and informs me she won't be able to come back and probably won't be able to come tomorrow. I try to get my new cook in here to cook for her but he also isn't feeling well, so guess who gets to cook? Yup your right, me... I'm the cook and waitress. Well in between this I have an interview with a guy who is looking for a cook position, he's from everywhere... He has actually cooked in Alamosa, Co., I know thats what I thought (small world), it was in 1985-1988 I didn't tell him I was only 2 then. He seems like he's a fit and I send him on his way. I then handle the sysco order and go upstairs to take my manless puppy for a walk. He his anxious to get outside. We go for a walk and I come back to get ready for the night ahead. Of course it is slow but we get the normal local crowd. Oh did I mention there has be a wolf sighting about a 1and1/2 miles up the road from us. He was black and they took pictures... we will get that subject later its quiet the issue around here. So I now have to walk my dogs instead of let them roam. So here I am the cook and waitress, of course I have Brian to help out but he has his own projects. I have a couple of tables and handle them like a pro. Its about closing time and I'm handling both duties... the waitress and cooks responisbility and of course I get two tables luckily for me one table just wants pie and the other is 3 fish and chips. I get those out and get them on their way. Well I just finished cleaning and I'm done for the night. I was thinking of sleeping in tomorrow but I have a husband who is anxious to go riding in the morning... When do I sleep everyone is asking and I'm telling you I don't know, between worring about all the issues I need to handle and a dog who has lost his balls and doesn't know where they went, I'm a walking zombie. Oh by the way I passed my food handlers permit without even studying!!! It goes to show you all you need is common sense.

I'm not complaining... I actually love my life when I lay in my bed I wonder how I'm so lucky to be living this life. I have posted some pics or our recent trip to the hill to snowboard, enjoy!!!

Driving up the pass to lost trail

Sight from the road.

My computer is being a pain I will post more pictures soon.

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