Friday, May 30, 2008

Still Kickin

Yes, I'm still alive. I have pretty much fell off Blogging earth. But it buzzed me up so here we go.

We have made some major changes to little North Fork. And I'm sorry I haven't been posting any updates for all of you. On my days off I've been to busy enjoying my new home rather than sitting in front of a computer to update my blog. I have found time today however (while working) to give you some updates.

We had a successfull Memorial Weekend. Business is starting to pick up, which is a relief. We need the help. Well thats enough of work talk... Lets talk about my days off. They are much more interesting.

My lovely parents came to visit, and we took them all over. We drove down to the Middle Fork, and up to Cobalt (an old mine). Since my father has ADD they only stayed two nights and were on their way again. Brian, Cody, Erica and I have been taking drives around the area, trying to find new fun places to go camping. We headed up to an deserted town named Leesburg. Leesburg was a happening town back in the gold rush. There were reportedly over 7,000 people and now none. It's amazing how a town like that can just become nothing when all the gold runs out.

We have also become some what of a little hiking couple. Since we have been trying to find places to mountain bike and I'm not as skilled as Brian we take hikes, in which I then decide if I will be able to complete these trails on a bike. I have only found one.

We took Cody and Erica on the one trail I knew we could all handle. No wild life was seen but we did see a bear... which later turned out to be a cow... We got caught in a down pour and I ran through the biggest pile of cow S#!% of my life... I just told myself it was no worse then a mud mask.
Other than that we have just been living the small town life and enjoying every minute of it. We have met some new people who enjoy the same things we do... Basically we have all decided "Living in Idaho is like camping every night", campfires and horse shoes you can't get more simple than that. I don't miss the city, I don't miss the traffice, I do however miss the Sushi. So if any of you eat sushi, buy and enjoy a roll for me. I know this was a lame blog, but I wanted all of you to know I'm alive and loving it!!!

I have posted some random pics I've taken over the last couple of weeks. Enjoy!!

Brian getting ready for a hike, Rally and Rocco are already to go...

Luke I am your father...

Taking a break...

Brian stopping to smile for the camera

Some single track we found.

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