Thursday, January 10, 2008

My life

Well we have been here for a week, and we are getting the hang of things. I'm currently looking for a cook so if you know anyone who is looking send them my way. :) The cooks who are cuurently here are really great cooks, but they do butt heads... My head cook has been here for 14 years and is about to retire, I'm hoping I can squeeze 2 more years outta her. I have found a couple of things while I've been here. One people love beer, and a warm place to stand. I'm going to have Brian put the couter back in, (the old owner had a bar/counter and took it out and put a deli stand in). Currently the deli stand is empty and looks like crap. I want a counter so people can come in enjoy a converstation and a cup of coffee or beer, and not take up the dining area. I've been told the old timers used to like to come in during the summers and look at all the pretty girls coming of the river. I personally don't care what they are looking at as long as they are buying something, and my cafe is full. We have also look into adding a deck and a salon onto the other side of the Cafe so we can have more room in the summer on the deck and have people playing pool and drinking in the salon. That is probably a couple years away but a dream inway. Most of our employees are small folk people, Brian still can't remember their names, so we came up with nicknames, some of them are pretty mean and some sound like Indian chiefs. It is an experience running a Cafe, and being the boss, having to worry about making enough money to pay wages and the bills.
We have a coffee group who come in every weekday and have coffee and breakfast. It's pretty neat to hear these old men talk about what they talk about. The other morning I pulled a double to give "Crazy Talk" a day off and opened the cafe and waited on the old timers. I over heard a converstation they had about Brittney Spears and how they ddin't care what she was doing, but yet here they are talking about her, and how smart KFed was for marrying her and divorcing her because now he is set for life. They also talk about the young people around these parts, it amazing what they know. They know who is expecting and isn't married and how much of a shame it is. They know who should be president and why everyone else shouldn't be, and let me tell you they really get going about politics and they don't agree. They give eachother hell about their wives and how most morning one of their wives will call and tell them to come home, and they tease the hell out of him how he has to go vaccum or do the dishes. The old owner didn't like it much them sitting there not ordering much. I think its great, these men have worked all their lives, what is it hurting me if they sit and talk about everyone. The really nice thing is they leave hella good tips. The other morning I opened our blinds to get the sunshine in and one of them told me that the old owner wouldn't ever let them open the blinds, "I recken he was trying to hide us". I just laughed and told them that there was nothing to hide, they looked shocked by that answer. I'm happy that the locals haven't decided to quit coming in because there are new owners.
I haven't taken any pictures lately I guess I've been a little busy but I promise to soon.

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