Monday, February 8, 2010

Future goals...

Brian and I have come to the time in our life where we want more... more space, more toys, more guests, just more. So we have future goals that are starting to surface. The first and for most is a house, we have come to terms with the fact the apartment above the Cafe just isn't cutting it. So we have decided to build (I say we, really meaning Brian). Our future house will be behind North Fork, since this,we do know will be our future. A small house, with ability to add on, (if needed).

Sometimes I feel like people think poorly of us because we are two people who have goals, and aspirations for our marriage and our future. Since our new nephew entered this world, the children question for us has sky rocketed. I thought the opposite, that people would be content with him, I was wrong. People want to see us with children, how do I express the fact that my goals in life do not match their goals in life? Brian and I do speak about kids, and what we would do if one surprised us, but right now our goals, do not include 1, 2 or 3 children. However some people view this as Brian and me being "non-family" oriented. This is too incorrect. I love family, I love our families, I'm just happy with the size of my family right now. But I believe in being prepared and wanting more. If that more is one more dog or perhaps and baby, I won't know until I know,but right now it's neither. However we are getting to the age where maybe just maybe things might happen and we want to be ready, and really I want a kitchen I can cook in and a bathroom where I can't reach the sink to spit out toothpaste and turn on the shower all while sitting on the toilet.

Nothing big just a home... I was going to post the pics of the rough draft but it won't let me, so I guess I have to keep you in suspense.

1 comment:

Bug said...

I think you have a wonderful family!! People's precepition of the way a family 'should be' is so misconstruted. You and Brian know what is best for you. (Although that would be one cute baby.)
Congrats on the house.
I have been thinking alot about another pup as well.
Love you