Friday, February 12, 2010

Cabin Fever

It's that time of year again, and it always seems to sneak up on me. Yes I'm talking about cabin fever. I don't know how to explain it except it's like a weird depression. You're angry, bored, lazy but don't want to be any of these things. Brian and I have realized it happens to us both and try not to dwell on the point, we both know sooner than later we will be hiking, camping and trout fishing (the kind of fishing I prefer) very soon. We try on our weekends to do something to get us and the dogs out of the house, snow shoeing (not enough snow), steel head fishing (I can't lie I'm not a fan of it), going for drives (how far and long do we have to go to see something I haven't seen already a million times), and for hikes (since there isn't enough snow), and skiing occasionally (we decided not to buy passes this year, I'm glad now since there isn't any snow), or heading to Missoula (we grocery shop there about every 3 weeks) but all in all we end up doing the same thing nothing. So I'm the type of person who tries to get out with other people who are experiencing the same effect. It's very hard to get my anti-social husband to agree, and get excited about such events.

Just recently one of our friends had her birthday, and for her birthday present she wanted to go down river to the MT Saddle (pretty easy present, since we're on the subjects of gifts I'll have to inform you what my husband gave me for Valentines Day). What is the MT Saddle? Well it's a bar, it has one table, and a bar with about 6 stools. Mr. Mike Tibbits, owns and operates this bar and let me tell you he comes directly out of the old West. Great guy down to earth and just looking for a good time. We called him to let him know we were coming, (he closes down in the winter and "opens" when someone gives him a call). Now Brian and I agreed to go on this down river trip the night of our annual Super Bowel party. I can speak for myself when I say I was completely sober when I agreed, my husband on the other hand... Well we as a couple agreed to this outing on Thursday the 11th. I was excited to get out of the house... Well let me tell you, how much I heard about why we shouldn't go and what a waste of time it was going to be... I on the other hand just kept shaking my head and asking him to give it a chance. We left about 11:00 am that morning to head down, it's about a 2 hour drive, plus we were doing some wolf hunting along the way. We arrive at Tibbits place about 12:30 pm and see he's already been there started a fire and got the place warm. We arrived and I immediately saw the smile on Tibs face he was excited for us to be there. We opened the afternoon with a round of cold Coors light cans, started chatting. He has one of my favorite places, the "john" sits on a cliff over- looking the river, amazing view. We sit a shoot the shit for a while and enjoy ourselves immensely. Jen and Dan have to be back in North Fork by 5:00 to get the kid off the school bus so Brian and I get to stay for just a bit longer to talk to Tibs on a more personal level.

I have realized something while living here most of my "close friends" are twice my age. What is that saying, I haven't fully figured it out yet, but I also have to say the friends I have made, watch out for me more than any other friends I've had, and that's a great feeling!

So in the end my husband enjoyed himself greatly, we a had a great day just getting away, and were ready for work the next day. I won't lie though I'm ready for spring!!

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