Friday, April 18, 2008

"Poor Little Guy"

I haven't posted anything for a while, there really hasn't been any news. Like they say no news is good news. Well unfortunately this post rings true to that saying. I have bad news. My little Rocco isn't doing well. We noticed on Sunday a bruise on his tummy after his bath, I asked Brian if he knew what it was from. Brian said that earlier that night Rocco was out in the field with him and Brian heard him yelp like he stepped on something, Brian said he limped around for a minute and then acted fine. Deciding that I would just watch it and make sure it didn't get any larger I went about my business. We went down to the Ranch for our two days off and he acted completely normal, ran, played, however he didn't eat... Rocco goes through phases where he just doesn't have an appetite so at the time I didn't think anything of it. We came home Tuesday afternoon and he just wasn't himself, he acted depressed, I thought he was just tired from all the running he did. Still not eating I went to bed with Rocco extremely close to me making sure he didn't worsen. Wednesday same thing Rocco just didn't have that twinkle in his eye, by this time Brian and I had noticed that not only was he not eating but he hadn't pooped either. I asked around and some people suggested he could be constipated... So Brian and I took him for long walks and I made him eat olive oil... with no change Thursday rolled around and I had, had enough, I made him a vet appointment for Friday but couldn't wait that long. I called and took him Thursday afternoon. We drove the 22 miles in silent, he laying in the back, me checking on him to make sure he is still breathing. We get to the vet Dr. Andy, if you in the Salmon area, I highly recommend her. I explain his symptoms to her while she takes Rocco's temperature and gets a fearful look in her eye, the "poor little guy" has a temperature of 107, now if any of you know anything about dogs their normal temperature is 101. Andy explains to me that a dog having a high fever like this is not normal, "on a hot summer afternoon a dog will normally only get to about 102. She does nothing else to him after hearing his condition and tells me she wants him to stay over. I think to myself "no" Rocco doesn't like anyone else he only likes his happy little family. I think she sees the fear in my eyes as I explain to her what kind of dog Rocco is. "He's not the most social dog, he doesn't play well with others" she gives me her word and explains that he needs an IV and blood work done, she isn't quite sure what he's going through and really wants to observe and have him stay with her. I agree and leave, with tears in my eyes I get into my car and drive slowly away. As I drive the long 22 miles home I think of all the memories I have of my little Rocco. I reach home and Brian comes out and asks where Rocco is? I burst into tears and tell him that he had to stay there... He automatically (from my reaction) thinks that he is going to die. I tell him what Dr. Andy told me and explain that we will just check in with him tomorrow. Brian is a man of few words and goes back to his job. I finish the day and go to bed early and wake up early I can't wait to go get him... We go into town this morning and go to check on him, unfortunately he is not all better me kissing him didn't make him well. His temperature has gone down to about 103, he is eating some and has yet to poop, they want to hold him until his temperature has dropped and he has one normal poop. She believes he has a liver infection and his white blood count is low. She reassures me that I can call any time and that she will call if there is any change. I have already called once since we have been home and there is no change. He continues to eat small amounts but isn't feeling well. I will again have to sleep without my little Rocco tonight. I can call again in the morning to see if he can come home. I hope he can come home!! I know most of you are rolling your eyes at me, but I won't lie my dogs are my children I love them more than myself... I will keep you updated on his condition. I have posted some pics of my pups...

Lazy Dogs

Rocco's first day home

Camping in Kamas

1 comment:

Bug said...

OOOh, my so sorry that Rocco is not doing well. I totally know what you mean by they are your kids. He will be running around like nothing happened soon and you can have the good ol' Rocco back.