Thursday, March 25, 2010

What I miss... What I love...

Many, Many people ask me how as a women can I live in North Fork. I always answer the question with a plain answer. Today I decided that I would truly answer this question. See North Fork is a "man land". This is what I love about North Fork, but also what I miss about living in a city.

What I love...
1. Peace fullness, Brian and I can go for a hike or MTBing and not see a single person, just the 4 of us (I'm including the dogs)
2. The money I save, we have been able to purchase things we wouldn't have dreamed in the city.
3. Sunsets while camping...
4. The people, the people are so down to earth true here, it makes me smile.
5. Simplicity of everything... life is simple here, good friends, good memories, means good times.
6. The scenery, anywhere you go around here, there's something to see, and something to look out.
7. Jest being outside, I used to hate the bad air in SLC, the only bad air we have here, is wood stoves burning on a cold winter night.
8. Everyday is new. In the city I was a machine, pre programmed for the day. Here I wake up and do something different every day.
9. No rush hour, the closest thing to a rush hour, is everyone pulling into the parking lot at the same time.
10. I've discovered what a strong person I am, this place is a "man's world", and only truly tough amazing women live and survive here. That is something to be proud of.

What I miss...

1. Heading a the store at midnight, for a late night cookie making.
2. Going to see a movie on Sunday just cause it's too hot out.
3. A housekeeper
4. Good Sushi!
5.Dressing up for work... jeans and a t shirt get old sometimes.
6.Nightly strolls around the neighborhood
7. A good library
8. Jamba Juice
9. Good coffee
10. My old kitchen, I'll have a new one soon!

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