Saturday, June 6, 2009

Always a new adventure...

So, I've been busy, losing a cook caused me to take on cooking 4 days a week, along with still waiting tables 4 days a week. 15 and 16 hour days are tough, even on a young gal like myself. But I'm surviving, I was able to find a cook, so I won't be doing doubles anymore and I should be able to take days off again. Brian and I still have been able to take sometime to ourselves. We went on our first horseback ride as a couple, Brian's first ever. I love it, I think I want a horse, Brian shot that idea down, so I will settle with going with Caleb and Hannah, who are very good friends we were able to meet here, it's nice to have someone close to your age, that you don't work with everyday.
Anywoo they took us horse back riding, while actually Caleb did, they were unable to catch Hannah's horse, long story.
It was a little cloudy and we were a little afraid of rain, but it was perfect, no rain, and it wasn't too hot. So there go the three of us, I can tell Brian was a little nervous, since he'd never been on a horse, but he wasn't about to show is anxiety to me, oh no, not even after 10 years. We were informed that Brian was going to be riding the 26 year old horse. Which turned out to be very good. We got saddled up, (is that the right term?) And off we went, on a trail, that honestly in some spots I probably wouldn't have walked, but the horses were great. Brian rode Elvis (the 26 yr old), I rode Duke (the stubborn horse) story coming shortly, and Caleb rode scar.

Here we are in the peaceful woods enjoying the outside, I hadn't had a day off in over a week, doing double most days, I have learned to appreciate the time I get away. Caleb informed me early on, that Duke (my horse) is a piggy... he eats everything he sees. Let me tell you, he was not lying. It was too funny every chance he got that horse was eating something, it didn't matter if it was a pine tree he went for it. Caleb asked me to try to prevent this, for the fact it can cause him to trip, I tried and shortly realized I'm not preventing this huge horse of doing anything, if he goes down I go with him.

While this is happening I'm ever so slyly checking on Brian who I notice is a few steps behind us, when I say a few I mean a few... for example.

Caleb and I would talk and talk, about the most random things, and then stop and wait for Brian, who was having such a great time. Elvis had two speeds, stopped, and very slow. Which was perfect for him to learn on.

I on the other hand had Duke who is as stubborn as me... He liked to be right on the horses ass in front of us, and then at random times would just stop, and wait and wait and wait, and then he would decided to catch up, but not by just walking to catch up, oh no, he would full on sprint to catch up, I will admit the first time he did it I was caught off guard but I laugh my head off. The second, third and fourth time he didn't catch me not expecting it, however it was still just as fun and amusing. We got to the top of the trail and saw a couple of cow elk who looked like they had just calved. We were about 3/4 of the way down and Duke decided to stop, and I mean stop, he wasn't going any further. Caleb informed me he was out of shape and this was his first trail ride of the year... Sorry Duke. So Duke and I had to be ponied out, which basically means Caleb had a rope that pulled us out. So I was able to get more pictures since technically I didn't have to pay attention. Fun times.

The end of the afternoon, three horses asses...

Here are the slow pokes.

Brian and Elvis, Brian wanted me to get their good side.


Jenn said...

I want to see a picture of you on a horse!

Brian and I said...

Ok, on my next trail ride, I'll have Brian take a picture.