Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Saloon Name

As we approach some of the changes we want to make to North Fork we have come to a bridge in which I thought the people I care the most about could help us out. We are looking for a saloon name. We have a couple picked out but I wanted you to help. Anyone who comes up with the future name of the saloon I will send something special... Please make your suggestions and I will take them to the drawing board. Thanks for the help in advance!!! Please keep in mind its a small community, we are in the northwest and we sit right next to the Salmon River. Let the creativity begin!

Monday, March 24, 2008

Jeff Fisher

Who? The Tennessee Titans head Coach

When? About 10 minutes ago

Where? The Village at North Fork!!!

Why? Steel head Fishing

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

What we have been up to besides work

Well I know I haven't posted anything real exciting the last few posts. We have been busy and I couldn't find my camera cord for my computer. Well the other day Brian found it, guess where? Underneath my hair brush, yup the thing I use the most and I couldn't find it...

Anywoo, here are some photos of what we have been up to besides work.

Brian at the top of lost trail, look at that mountain range

Lunch Time!

The view from the top of lost trail.

Brian and I were able to get away a couple of Sunday's ago and go down river, it was an eventful day, dead water blew, Rally is our deer herder and Rocco, well Rocco falls asleep regardless if we go 6 miles or 6 hours. I know I speak like they are my children but they really are... I took some pics of the infamous Ranch, a hike we took and some pics of our daily walk around North Fork.

Brian and Rocco at the fork of Beaver Creek and Panther Creek, Rally was too busy playing in the water.

Rally on the North Fork

This was a couple weeks ago on the Salmon River most of the ice has melted now. It's fishin' time!

Rocco took a minute from running to smile for the camera.

The dogs on our hike, we hiked about 3 miles, they ran about 10.

Rocco, decided to go for a swim this is him drying himself off.

The Ranch, I can't wait to go there on my days off and not have to drive 7 & 1/2 hours to get there!

I hate this picture of me but I love it of Rally, do you think she smells something?

I have decided a couple of things living here, you know you live and work outside, when you have one full load of Carhartt laundry. You know you are remote, when the delivery trucks don't want to come all this way to deliver to you. You know you live in "the Country" when there is more talk about wolves and coyotes then the new movies out. When your husband wakes up and decides to put on his "shitty pants" because he has to go work on the the shitter, you are your own boss.



Tuesday, March 4, 2008


As I work in the store this afternoon I figured I would post a FAQ's, I either get in person or by by phone.
1. What's the River like? (This question is usually regarding the Salmon river and if it's muddy, icy, etc)
2. Has Dead Water Blown yet? (This question is referring to the part of the Salmon river called Dead Water which was formed from a mud slide that backed up an area to almost standing still water, once dead water has blown it's balls to the wall with fisherman)
3. You open today? (We are usually closed on Tuesdays and have now opened the store for two Tuesday's in a row, the Cafe will be open starting next Tuesday)
4. Are you one of the owners? (Sometimes this is a good thing, most times it's a good thing :) )
5. Do you have Diesel? Yes?
6. How much is a full hook up RV spot per month? $360.00 that includes tax.
7. Is this Tam or Pam? Can I tell you how many people confuse the two names and how often I'm explaining why they are talking to the wrong person, and who they should be talking to.
8. Are your pies homemade? Yes, all of our pies are made on site, however the Dutch Apple is the only pie which isn't made from frozen fruit, we peel and slice the apples ourselves.
9. What is your motel rate? Our motel rate is $51.84 a night that includes tax, and is for only one bed.
10. Where do you live? I live in the apartment above the cafe.
Since I've been here for 2 months these are the most frequently asked questions.