Monday, December 31, 2007

Hello North Fork

I also wanted to post pics of our new stomping ground. Enjoy!

Brian fishing on Panther Creek

The Middle Fork of the Salmom River

This is my favorite picture of the Forest Service barn

Big Horn Sheep on the Salmon River

Brian and Rally going to the creek

Backhoe/bike carrier... works all the same

Goodbye SLC

I wanted to send my love to the great people I met in SLC the last 5 years I lived there. You have all have a special place in my heart, and I will miss you dearly. I wanted to post some pics of our old stomping ground.

Brian and Rally getting ready for a Ute game!

This is me riding in St. George

Brian riding Shoreline.

Picnic at Mill Creek

A fall hike

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Cougar Sighting

So I have already seen my first wildlife... The other night while having dinner I heard someone say "he has a cougar", I thought to myself what in the world could this be about? I walk out outside a low and behold there is a man driving around with a dead cougar in the back of his pick up. This thing was huge, I had to go get a picture because who would believe me about this? He is very good at what he does, and was in here tonight saying he would have gotten the bigger Cougar but there are about nine wolves following it so they will have to wait... I have posted the pics of the cougar so no one can call my shenanigans. :)

He was about 9' nose to tail

Look at the size of that paw!

I also wanted to post some pictures of Salmon I took the other night. Enjoy.

Salmon's Christmas tree.

Downtown Salmon

McPherson's clothing store, its the prettiest building with Christmas lights.


Monday, December 10, 2007

Post from North Fork

I've been neglecting the blog... I have been busy. As most of you know I have quit my job at Sento and come to North Fork for a 10 day training with the current owner. It was a lot harder to leave Sento then I ever thought. I really didn't realize how working there was really a second family. I was simply floored my last day thinking I would never again sit at my desk, never again go to lunch with co workers, never again be the employee.

So my last day was the 7th and I had two days to get ready, leaving my husband, my dogs, my home and come here... away from familiarity away from my normalcy (is that a word?) and come here to no cell phone land, no people (its winter...) and come to my new home. I have yet to have the odd feeling that I'm doing something wrong, you know that feeling in the pit of you stomach screaming at you? I have realized this is what we are suppose to do,this is home.
We got here Monday evening and immediately met the staff (the ones who were here)... when we walked into the restaurant there they were sitting all three of them drinking coffee, very friendly... We asked for Ken and the moment they realized who we were their mentality change... We have been told how nervous they are, frankly I feel like their nervousness may help us in the long run, I want to see the employees who have the ability to handle change and who have enough respect and like their jobs enough to show me that they should be able to keep their job.

There were 3 restaurant employees here last night, the cook, the waitress and the cleaner. All female all middle age. After being introduced we walk away and I'm wondering what these ladies have to say about me? We will get on the subject of employees later on once I get to know them.

So Tam and I unpacked and head to the Cafe for dinner we walk in with our laptops and look for a quite table to catch up on email and some work... but as you can see the Cafe is very open (which I love) very country, very small town! So here we are sitting at the restaurant ordering dinner and working on our laptops, there is a couple here who is probably thinking what are these city people doing here... little do they know we are the new owners... I'm sure the staff is thinking well these bosses won't be too hard to work for since they will be on the computer all the time, WRONG! I can't wait till this place is mine, mine to run and to know every customer who walks through the door! I want you all to know how happy and excited I am about my life... I'm ready and hope you all can come visit soon because the hardest thing about this is being that much further away from the people I love! Here are some random pics I wanted to share.
This is a high chair in the cafe, I just thought it was cute.

The Liquor store, and no its not closed because I showed up. :P

This is the first boat rafted on the Salmon River. :P