Monday, November 19, 2007

Is Blogging for me?

I have had requests to start a blog since Brian and I are about to encounter and new adventure in our lives. If you all don't know we are moving to Idaho, we have plans to run the small town (most people wouldn't call it a town) North Fork Idaho. We have this great new adventure and want to share it with anyone who is interested. So I asked myself after someone (who will remain nameless) asked me to blog, is blogging really for me? I like to talk and I love to share our stories, but do I have the discipline to sit down at my computer and talk about me? I have decided that I do have the time and will sit down at my computer...

We have made our way up to the new country we will be moving for Thanksgiving, see Brian's wonderful Grandma lives about an hour (mostly dirt road) from North Fork. She has invited us to have Thanksgiving with her in her lovely home (picture right). Anytime we have the chance to go up there we jump on it, away from the city, traffic, phones, and computers... well not exactly its pretty modern day, plus I don't go anywhere without my handy dandy laptop... So here we are thinking in less than a month we will call this land home and be small town folk again... I'm still wondering if I can go back to those ways, wearing jeans and a T-shirt everyday, do I even have 7 pair of jeans to wear? I think this will be a chance to go shopping! Below are a couple of pictures I wanted to post for you all to see.

Picture from front porch

Budweiser plant (I am home)!

1 comment:

Jenny said...

Hi Pam!

Blogging is hard huh? I've been talked into starting one too, and I just feel wierd wring and not know who will I resorted to just posting pictures, and that's pretty much it. Who knows, I might get motivated an write one of these days.

Anyway, I'm glad I ran across your blog! Looks like you and Brian are doing well! Your apple pies look good, maybe it was just photogenic, but I'm betting it was actually pretty good ;)

Well...looking forward to more updates! Hope you guys are having a Merry Christmas!

<3 Jenny

P.S. if you are bored, and feel like looking at pictures instead of reading...