Sunday, November 25, 2007

Home again, home again

Brian and I made it safely home, it seems like we always go a lot slower coming home than going... maybe its because we aren't excited to get back to work, the bad air and the city. But we are here and all unpacked. We had a great Thanksgiving but still can't believe it's over. Where did 2007 go? Just a year ago our lives were so different, I had started a new job and Brian was working on starting his company, in about a month a year ago we were preparing for a week long vacation to Florida, and less than a week after we got back the 29th of December to be exact Brian got hit by a car, while walking (well running) across the street. I can't believe it's almost been a year... Brian's farther past away, our dog ate a box of rat poisoning... I never thought we would make it through the year and here we are, going strong.

While up in Idaho we took a lot of pictures to share with you. We also got a chance to take a look at the apartment we will be living in, can I say I'm glad that my husband remodels homes for a living... otherwise I would be terrified. We walked into the apartment and it's like a light in his head went on and he just started to think of all the things he can do... I don't think he stopped moving the entire time we were there checking the floor, getting into the attic, I think I picked a good one. :) Here are a couple of picture of our new place (I won't call it a home until it's complete)

Kitchen Cabinets

Kitchen Sink


This is suppose to be our living room (the crap isn't ours)

While there I also took pictures of the store and cafe, as well as the sign.

Brian wanted his pickup in the picture to prove we were there

North Fork Sign

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You have been blessed, that's for sure. It looks like home to me. When can I come for a visit, I am also available for work. Cheri