Thursday, September 9, 2010

What are you up to, Pam?

Friends, I know, I know I haven't been doing my job when it comes to blogging, but holy hell, I've been busy! This summer has been awesome, we had a great 4th, our 5 year anniversary came and went, we headed to Kellogg, to enjoy a weekend of just the two of us, no "kids" dogs I mean. My mother came in August, with my niece and nephew, holy jeez, they have gotten sooo big, I can't believe I have a 13 year old nephew, that just made me feel old! My brother and his wife finally came to see us! I learned so much about my brother, it was great. I think I have realized how I grew up and my experiences are not what everyone else experienced. However the experiences I experienced have formed me to be the person I am today, and I'm ok with that.

I've confirmed that North Fork is the place I want to be long term. It does something to you, I can't explain it but it just feels right, does that make sense? We have finally found a great cook who completes the Cafe, Jim is awesome, he is the best thing that has happened to us as a business, I just wish he was younger so I could employ him for longer, I'm afraid he's going to leave us to soon.

Brian and I have taken up golfing, again, it's amazing how my husband is so talented at almost everything he does, we've been golfing more this summer than in the last 5 years. I could say I'm getting better, but I would be lying. HAHA, I must admit though I can produce some clutch hits, and surprise everyone, including myself.

Our house plans our done, and sent away to several building companies for quotes, I'm excited I will admit it, but not overly excited, things could change, but if all goes planned, our house should be live-able in a year... My fingers are crossed.

I would post more pics from this great summer but our camera is broke, and we have yet to replace it... maybe for Xmas.

So, that's what's going on in my life. I'm hoping for a busy fall, and a great steel head season. They're coming, more and more everyday, and people are getting antsy. I'm not quite ready for winter, but I'm sure when that time comes around, I will be ready... for some time off.

Some random camping, floating pics, oh yeah and our Lake Powell trip with the parents! All good times!