Tuesday, February 24, 2009

R.I.P. Ella

A few posts ago, I asked people to help us come up with a name for our elk. Well she had several names, Cassidy and I called her Ella, the guys named her Norman. Regardless of the name our elk has died. I don't know what we wrong with her but she went quickly. She was young, and I guess that's how mother nature works, the weak die, and the strong survive. Rest in peace Ella.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Weekly snow shoe hike

So a few posts ago I told you about our new adventure of snow shoeing. We were able to get out this weekend and head up a new trail. We took Brian's sister along with us and of course the dogs. The odd thing about it was as we were hiking we were following droplets of blood along the trail. Not big drops, just big enough to notice. Every couple hundred feet there would be a bigger spot of blood. We made it to the creek and we found a large amount of fur, deer fur. While Cassidy and I were examining the fur spot Brian went on ahead, and found the coprit. The deer was small and in about 30 pieces, it was quite fresh and really distrubing. We decided not to go further than the kill so we turned around. It was a georgus day, and I have great pics, I think my favorite pic of the winter was taken that day.

I don't believe in heaven but days like these makes me see god.

Silly Cas

Family Pic

Brother and sister

My Boy and me

Name for our Elk

What in the world can this post be about? Well we have an Elk. Yes one, it has made his home here, and we need a name. He showed up about last Friday, none of us were interested in him/her. How many elk do we see a day? Well then he/her started to make his/her home right here. Yesterday it decided it was going to hang out behind the store, then it ran out of food so he made his way into the yard, with the dogs... Yes I will say it again, with the dogs, they aren't scared of him and he/she isn't scared of them.

The dogs and our elk spent the day together. It eats all day and they like to eat its poop, they are one happy herd. Today he has made it to the RV Park but always close. If you think about it he/she is pretty smart, one: if he's hanging out with our dogs if anything out of the ordinary comes around they bark and scare it off or they bark and let us know about it. Since he/she isn't afraid of the noise, there is no reason to run away.

Maybe it will move on maybe it won't, but it at least made for an interesting post. The real reason I thought about posting, we need a name for our new friend. We don't know the gender of the Elk but we do know it's young. Any suggestions?