Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Days Off

Two days off used to be a time for me to clean house and relax. Well thats when we lived in the city and everything was reasonably close. Now I'm going back to my childhood where nothing is close, and we have to drive three hours to get to a mall or a Target.

So Monday Cody, Brian and I loaded into the truck and headed to Missoula, we had an appointment for the Tundra to get serviced and we figured it would be a good time to do some shopping... you know the usual things, shampoo, conditioner, body soap, it's sad we have to go three hours to even get to a Target, at least when I was growing up the Wal-Mart was only 45 minutes away. Anywoo, we have a couple of other stops, the Leer dealer, to check prices on a topper. We ordered one, its kind of crappy because even though we put a lump sum down on the topper we have nothing to show for it, for three weeks. I hope it looks good, it wasn't cheap.

So three hours, in the comfortable Tundra, much better than the Tacoma and the little space we had in it. We are talking about what we should do for our month off, Brian and I choose to take for Nov 15-Dec 14 off. I still want to take him to South Padre, but its over 4,000 miles round trip, I think its worth it but Brian is still unsure. I will keep you updated. Please send any ideas you may have.

Well this post was completely random and I'm sorry if I have bored you, but sometimes, its easy for me just to ramble and get things off my chest. Until next time.

"You can't ride home on a bowl of goat, I've always said that"

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

I've been told...

I've been told I need to do more posts, I'm not letting people into my life enough. So I thought I would try.

What's been happening in old North Fork? Well we have been little busy bees. With rafting season in full swing, we do any average of 20 milkshakes a day, going as high as 50 a day. At 4.75 a pop you can do the math, but let me tell you it's not easy money, bruises and cramps, come soon after three buses come in at once. We are starting to get more of the local crowd coming back from Salmon, I can't decide if this is a good thing or not, these people are bitter about something, I can't figure out why.

We have our first fire of the season, it's not too far from here and not very large, about 25 acres. I got a call last night that the Forest Service needed 35 sack lunches. Now that may sound like a minimal challenge but these guys are on a strict diet, they have to have 3 1/2 oz of meat and cheese on each sandwich, (they each get two sandwiches each), they also have to have, a piece of fruit, with the stem and sticker removed, a candy bar with no chocolate, a granola bar or cookie, a fruit juice, and a protein of some sort we gave them beanie weenies, after all that work, we had to feed 20 firefighters at 6:30, let me remind you we don't open until 7:00.

I can say I'm glad we are a seasonal business, I'm sick of stinky people, and milkshakes, now let me tell you something rafters stink. I don't get it I have been on week long camping trips, didn't shower and I know for a fact I didn't smell like the people coming off the middle fork. Deodorant people, deodorant!!!

I can't wait for winter, skiing and less people, we make less money but holy hell I'm ready!!!

Brian and I are thinking we will head south for our month off, I really want to take Brian to South Padre Island... We can't decide was month to take, Nov to Dec or Jan to Feb. I will keep you updated.

Well I guess I let you in to my head, even though its not that exciting you were able to know what I'm thinking and what I'm doing.

"But I'm only one man"